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Flower of salt and flavored sugar

Flower of salt and flavored sugar


A nice idea to garnish the gourmet baskets you will offer to your loved ones this year. Flavored salt and sugar can be used in everyday cooking, to enhance the taste of dishes, to dress a salad, to flavor coffee or hot chocolate, or to sweeten a sweet crepe.

For Le Parfait jars, 125g terrine range, we fill them with fleur de sel or sugar, then we add the different ingredients and mix well. Attention, for the zest of citrus fruits, they must be dried for a better conservation of salt and sugar. For that, it is enough to let them dry in the air during 2 days or in 70°C during 1 hour.

Flavored flower of salt

Espelette pepper and thyme
Add 1 level tablespoon of Espelette pepper powder + 1 level tablespoon of crushed thyme

Flower of salt with curry
Add 2 level tablespoons of curry powder

Lemon and dill
Add 1 tablespoon of dill + the zest of a lemon (dried zest)

Flavored sugar

With Christmas spices
Add 2 level tablespoons of cinnamon + the zest of an orange (dried zest)

Vanilla sugar
Add the seeds of a vanilla bean or a little vanilla powder

Cocoa sugar
Add 1 level tablespoon of cocoa

The magic of homemade jars is that you can choose your own taste combinations, to be personalized according to the person you wish to offer it to.
Are your parents fans of hot chocolate? Prepare a mixture of sugar, cinnamon, ginger, cloves and nutmeg.
Does your colleague constantly sugar his plain yoghurt? Suggest a homemade vanilla sugar blend.
Do your friends like spicy food? Offer them jars of fleur de sel with cayenne pepper.

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